Angiogram day has arrived. 21st March 2017

An early start today, all up at 4.30am

Showered and dressed but no perfume,  deodorant, moisturiser, hair product or MAKEUP!

We arrived at The Mater at 5.30am. Checkin was packed.

All went well, staff are all professional and friendly.

Dr Pressley my cardiologist is amazing and very calming for me.( like most don’t think she gets Marks jokes…..)

Once in theatre I made sure she remembered that she had promised me as much ‘sedatation’ as was needed – bingo worked well.

While I was excited to see the giant screen next to my bed , I hadn’t realised it was a diagnostic screen for the angiogram 😳 Maybe if it had been  a tv doco on somebody else’s artieries or heart it would have been more interesting..

Everything went very well, no blockages 😁 But the regurgitation from the leaky mitral valve is now severe and that is impacting on my left ventricle. Hence the breathlessness and tiredness.

The staff in recovery were fantastic- main instruction was lay very still and fast, do not even turn your head left to right, keep legs still and do not cross or bend them – that was for the first 2 hours. Then I was elevated 45 degrees, but with all other instructions the same. The end result of that is that the bruising is minimal.

So, below is before (terrified), (tonight) incision and hardly any bruising and after SO RELAXED 😛 )

ps for my Darling friends that think I have shared a ‘naughty’ photo it is where the dye thingy goes in, in  the top of my right leg  – the little incision is in fact the incision ❤ )

We need to book in shortly for the replacement of the valve.

But all in all we are very happy with today’s outcome 💝

Author: OH & S

This is my Open Heart surgery journey April 18th 2017 is the date.

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